I have yet to share a very important day - May 12, 2013. Yes, additionally it was Mother's Day, but I did not celebrated that day. I will ( as promised to me:)), celebrate the Polish version - May 26. It is always May 26th, and luckily it is Sunday this year!
But going back to the occasion. Zuzanna had her First Communion. And for our Catholic family that is really a great occasion. So great that, my sister, Zuzanna's godmother, came from Poland to celebrate it with us. Zuzia was very, very happy because of that.
We started celebrating on Saturday with a Sacrament of Reconciliation. Zuzia was not afraid, and going back from the confessional she was actually skipping!!! Then she announced that she likes going to the confession. One might think that the priest there was giving candy and toys as a penance:)
No, really that wasn't the case:)
The Sunday, May 12th, started gloomy, but warm. Zuzanna did not need a cardigan, that was ready for her since March. She left early with daddy for the group picture. The rest of family joined her later for the mass. It was beautiful, joyful and very children oriented. All of the children behave appropriately, Zuzanna did not wiped out a smile of her face. We came out of the church and were welcomed by warmth and full sun. Too bad that I had no time to play with my camera, and honestly I have to admit, that I did not take worse pictures in the long time. The only downside to this happy day:(
A couple of friends joined us in Carrabba's to celebrate with food, and then we left for home to relax and have a piece of the First Communion cake.
Zuzia was taken aback by the amount of gifts she received from her family and friends. I am so glad that nobody talked to her about it and it was a big surprise.
The following week she was attending early, daily mass with daddy and was very happy to get up in the morning to receive the Eucharist. I hope she is going to be always as joyful as she was those days!
Na moim blogu zupelnie pominelam bardzo wazny dzien, 26 maj. Bynajmniej nie z okazji Dnia Matki - zawsze w druga niedziele maja w USA. Ja nie bylam najwazniejsza osoba w tym dniu. Moje swieto zostalo przeniesione na 26 maja, Dzien Matki w Polsce. Szczesliwie w tym roku w niedziele.
Ten wazny dzien o ktorym chce pisac, to Pierwsza Komunia Swieta Zuzi. Dla nas jest to wielka uroczystosc. Tak wazna, ze moja siostra, chrzestna Zuzia, przyleciala z Polski, zeby z nami swietowac. Bardzo ucieszylo to Zuzie.
Uroczystosc rozpoczela sie w sobote, sakramentem pojednania. Zuzia sie nie bala, a po wyjsciu z konfesjonalu podskakiwala. Poczym oznajmila ze lubi chodzic do spowiedzi. Mogby ktos pomyslec ze ksiadz zamiast pokuty rozdawal cukierki i zabawki:)
Niedziela rozpoczela sie nieciekawie. Pochumurno, ale na szczescie cieplo. Zuzia nie potrzebowala bolerka ktory czekal na nia od marca. Wyjechala wczesnie z tata, na zdjecie grupowe. Reszta rodziny dolaczyla pozniej. Msza swieta byla bardzo uroczysta, radosna i skierowana w kierunku dzieci. Dzieci zachowywaly sie bardzo odpowiednio. Zuzia byla szczesliwa i radosna przez caly czas.
Po wyjsciu z kosciola zostalismy powitani cieplem i pelnia slonca. Niestety nie mialam czasu na ustawianie aparatu i zdjecia wyszly bardzo nieciekawie przy tak waznej okazji!:(
Kilkoro przyjaciol dolaczylo do nas na swietowanie w Carrabba's. Po czym przyjechalismy do domu na odpoczynek i torta komunijnego. Zuzia byla bardzo zdziwiona iloscia podarunkow od rodziny i przyjaciol. Bardzo sie ciesze ze nikt jej o tym niewspominal i bylo to dla niej wielka niespodzianka.
Przez tydzien, codziennie rano uczestniczyla z tata we mszy swietej i przystepowala do komunii. Mam nadzieje ze bedzie zawsze taka radosna jak byla przez ten tydzien!