October 30, 2015

Late October days

I am not a crazy Halloween fan.
I don't even regard it as a holiday as some do, saying that it is their favorite one ( come on, people?! ).
 I do however enjoy those Fall days with carving pumpkins and making costume for kids and getting joy from kids excitement.
I think they don't realize that the getting candy is just an addition to the fun of walking in dark, the fun and scary decorations, admiring others costumes and just socializing more than usual.

Today I have finished the costumes, Zuzia and Kubus decided to carve the pumpkins and Kiki to bake cookies.
While at other people homes it might not be a reason to celebrate, my firstborn has no desire to do any kitchen work, so one can understand how flabbergasted I was!
Obviously I just had to document it:)

Pardon the messy kitchen, a girl at work :)

The cookies!

 The boy was very ready and couldn't let the pants get dirty!

Zuzia opposed that picture but since her hands were dirty, she couldn't get involved in fights.

The theme was rather unusual for jack-o-lantern, but not for Kubus.

 Zuzia wanted Totoro !
Sweet and full of fun trick-or-treating !

October 29, 2015

F is for Firetruck!!!

I have to admit that my organization skills are put to the test.
For some reason I can't fit a letter week within a week.

I find too many distractions often masked as the chores, errands and other responsibilities.

But the only way not to get discouraged is to keep going and that what I am planning to do, even if it takes us through the next summer to finish the alphabet path!

 And that's how our F week(s) went:

Practicing Ff

Playdough is always fun :)

There were frogs and fish

  Foxes were entertaining too!

Obviously the firetrucks go without saying !

And farm too! A handy birthday present.

Few other things...

...and fig bites for snack!


October 21, 2015

Exploring "E" :)

I have found myself rather slow with our preschool at home.
Either I get better organized, which means have books and activities ready before starting the week, or do less .
I don't know what I am going to do. I don't like to settle for less.
But for now a little bit of Ee.

As always starting with the playdough, much preferred to writing !

E is for egg !
Fixing Humpty Dumpty

Hatching Ee :)
E is for electricity
Excavator helped with an experiment

That one was very popular with Kubus!

E is for Elephant, Kubus' favorite animal

Making leaf elephant
Not a big fan of writing or tracing :(

Off to F!


October 19, 2015

Birthday weekend

Wow, the big 5 ! It separates the childhood with school years.
Yes, next year this time he will be in kindergarten. Why, oh, why each year goes faster???

In Thomasland

Starting the birthday with "The Little Engine That Could"

A little bit of partying

Presents time!

First piñata :)

Happy Birthday to you!!!


October 13, 2015

D is for dinosaur

Past week we have read more books than did activities.
But we did it anyway. So long Dd-s !
Working on d-s

Playdough is always fun

There were ducks, dump trucks and dirty dogs!

Kubus says it is a dump truck, I won't argue...
The many books about dinosaurs

Putting the puzzle together

Delivery truck bringing the bones

It is supposed to be a dinosaur skeleton. Zuzia said it looked like the fish bones!
The book "If you give a dog a donut" was out in our library, so we found one on you tube...

...and made some donuts!